How To Install NDCTL and DAXCTL Packages on Ubuntu

Applies To

This document applies to Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) or later running Linux Kernel 4.2 or later.


The ndctl utility is used to manage persistent memory devices within the system while the daxctl utility managed device-dax instances. libndctl is required for several Persistent Memory Developer Kit (PMDK) and ipmctl features if compiling from source. If ndctl is not available, the PMDK may not build all components and features. This page describes how to install ndctl and daxctl using the Linux package repository.

Both ndctl and daxctl are Linux only utilities.

Installing NDCTL Packages

  1. Query the repository to identify if ndctl is delivered:

    $ sudo apt search ndctl

  2. Install the ndctl package. This automatically installs daxctl and libndctl.

    $ sudo apt-get install ndctl

  3. Done!


This article demonstrated how to install ndctl, daxctl, and libndctl on a system running Ubuntu 18.04 or later.

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